Learn how to easily import players from CourtReserve into Quke using the CourtReserve player report feature
This guide will show you how to quickly import your players from CourtReserve into Quke using CourtReserve’s player report feature. This method allows you to easily transfer your player data without any manual data entry, saving you time and reducing the chance of errors.
Important Note: This import method only works for events where players register as individuals in CourtReserve.
While Quke offers a direct CourtReserve integration that makes player importing even easier, not all CourtReserve subscription plans include API access needed for that integration. This manual export and import method is a great alternative that works with any CourtReserve plan.
Click on the Registered Players for your event in CourtReserve. This will bring up the list of Registrants for your event. Click on the “Report” drop down, then click “View Report”
On the next screen, scroll about half way down the page to the “Setup Report Output” section. Check the box at the top of that section that says “Check All”
Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click “Run Report”
This will create a table with all your players’ information. Now click the “Export to Excel” button in the top left corner. Now your computer will have a .xlsx file in its download folder.
Finally, drag and drop the exported file into the “Upload Players” box into Quke as you would with our csv template