League Movement

Understanding league player ranking week-over-week movement

One of the trickiest parts of running a ladder league is selecting the right settings for standings movement. Too much movement can lead to lopsided games, while too little movement can frustrate players by having them face the same opponents repeatedly.

Movement setting: Very Low
Average rank change per week: 2.00 positions

Choosing the Right Movement Setting

Quke simplifies this process with 5 movement settings, ranging from minimal movement (“Very Low”) to maximum movement (“Very High”). Choose the right one for your league:

Very Low Movement

  • Keeps groups more stable, so players face the same opponents more frequently
  • Best for: Large leagues with a wide range of player skills (e.g., a 3.0 - 4.0 league with 50 players)

Medium Movement

  • Our default recommendation for most leagues
  • Allows sufficient movement in early weeks to help players find their appropriate standings
  • Naturally stabilizes towards the end of the league
  • Best for: Any league type or size

Very High Movement

  • Causes significant ranking changes week-to-week
  • Can be more chaotic but excellent for social engagement
  • Best for: Small or social leagues where meeting new people is prioritized over competitive balance

Flexibility in Settings

You can adjust the movement setting from week to week as needed. Regardless of the setting chosen, movement typically slows down as the league progresses and players settle into their appropriate skill levels.