Learn how to set up multiple rotations in your ladder league while keeping the same groups
Setting Up Multiple Rotations with the Same Groups
For leagues with 2 rotations, you might choose to keep the same groups for both rotations. This allows players to have their entire schedule upfront so that they can play both rotations back-to-back without waiting. This guide will explain how to do this. Learn more about when to use this strategy in our rotations guide.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Create Your League
- Set up your league like normal: set league dates, add players, etc.
- When you create the first week, select 2 rotations.
Set Up First Week
- Check in players
- Create groups
- Create matches like normal
Before Starting Play
- At this point, if you go to the games tab and scroll down, you’ll see:
- The first rotation schedule
- A placeholder for the rotation 2 games
- IMPORTANT: DO NOT have players begin play until you create the matches for Rotation 2.
Create Second Rotation
- Go back to the players tab
- Click “update”
- Click “Create Matches” just like you did for Rotation 1
- Set the rotation number to 2
- This will create the schedule for the second rotation
- Begin Play
- Players now have their complete schedule for the entire night
- Both rotations can be played back-to-back without waiting
Tips for Success
- Make sure to create both rotation schedules before players begin their games
- Consider using a higher movement setting between weeks since players won’t move between rotations
- Communicate clearly to players that they’ll be playing with the same group for both rotations
- Let players know they can proceed directly to their second rotation games without waiting for other groups