Setting Up Multiple Rotations

Learn how to set up multiple rotations in your ladder league while keeping the same groups

Setting Up Multiple Rotations with the Same Groups

For leagues with 2 rotations, you might choose to keep the same groups for both rotations. This allows players to have their entire schedule upfront so that they can play both rotations back-to-back without waiting. This guide will explain how to do this. Learn more about when to use this strategy in our rotations guide.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Create Your League

    • Set up your league like normal: set league dates, add players, etc.
    • When you create the first week, select 2 rotations.
  2. Set Up First Week

    • Check in players
    • Create groups
    • Create matches like normal
  3. Before Starting Play

    • At this point, if you go to the games tab and scroll down, you’ll see:
      • The first rotation schedule
      • A placeholder for the rotation 2 games
    • IMPORTANT: DO NOT have players begin play until you create the matches for Rotation 2.
Second rotation schedule placeholder
  1. Create Second Rotation

    • Go back to the players tab
    • Click “update”
    • Click “Create Matches” just like you did for Rotation 1
    • Set the rotation number to 2
    • This will create the schedule for the second rotation
Create matches for rotation modal
  1. Begin Play
    • Players now have their complete schedule for the entire night
    • Both rotations can be played back-to-back without waiting

Tips for Success

  • Make sure to create both rotation schedules before players begin their games
  • Consider using a higher movement setting between weeks since players won’t move between rotations
  • Communicate clearly to players that they’ll be playing with the same group for both rotations
  • Let players know they can proceed directly to their second rotation games without waiting for other groups